I need to strip out all alpha chars and spaces in a given field and return only the numbers.
I've tried =CInt(Fields!Info.Value) and get an unexplained error. If the data was formatted consitantly I could simply do a RTrim or Right, but the number strings are not the same, some have spaces as in phone numbers (1 800 555 1212) or don't have a leading 1. Most instances are correct for my purpose (8005551212).
Any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE: Using the Replace function =Replace(Fields!Info.Value, " ","") gets me almost there. Now I should be able to use a Right, 10 function to return my desired value. Is it possible to combine these two funtions together?
If it is possible to call the SQLServer function Please write the following function:
create FUNCTION [dbo].[GetNumberFromData]
(@.data VARCHAR(MAX))
DECLARE @.pos BIGINT,@.char CHAR(1),@.rightside VARCHAR(MAX)
/*Set @.data = rtrim(ltrim(@.data))
While CharIndex(' ',@.data)>0
Select @.data = Replace(@.data, ' ', '')*/
SET @.pos = 1
WHILE (@.data like '%[^0-9]%') AND @.pos <= LEN(@.data)
SET @.char = SUBSTRING(@.data, @.pos, 1)
IF @.char like '%[0-9]%'SET @.pos = @.pos + 1
SELECT @.rightside = SUBSTRING(@.data, @.pos + 1, LEN(@.data)),@.data = CASE WHEN @.rightside like '%[0-9]%' THEN
LEFT(@.data, @.pos - 1) + @.rightside
LEFT(@.data, @.pos - 1)END
IF @.data like '%[^0-9]%' OR LEN(@.data) = 0
SET @.data = NULL
and call the function like this:
If you can't able to call the function from report put the below statement in the stored procedure.and call that SP in your report.
select [dbo].[GetNumberFromData](' 1 800 , dd 798 hjjhjj kal 8976 asdf ')
Hope this helps.
Here's a custom function I wrote that will strip all the non-numeric characters from a string. Go to Report Properties from the report menu, then in the Code tab, enter this:
Public Function GetNumbers(s as string) as Integer
Dim str as String
Dim i as Integer
str = ""
i = 0
While i < Len(s)
If (Asc(Mid(s, i + 1, 1)) >= 48 and Asc(Mid(s, i + 1, 1)) <= 57)
str = str + Mid(s, i + 1, 1)
End If
i = i + 1
End While
return cInt(str)
End Function
Then, in your textbox for the numbers, use this as your expression:
As for your Update... yes, you can use them both at the same time. =Right(Replace(Fields!Info.Value, " ", ""), 10)
Hope this helps.
|||Thanks a BUNCH!
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