I'm having problems setting up remote connections in SQL Server 2005 Dev. I can't see what I've done wrong maybe some else can. I'm trying to connect to the database through a .NET 2005 application which uses table adapters, the software works fine when using trusted connections.
I've turned on TCP/IP remote connections and I restarted the SQL Server instance. I've added a SQL login user account and SQL authentication is on. I've given this account access to the server and database and granted CONNET, SELECT, UPDATE, etc access rights, I've even made them admin and owner etc and I've opened the default ports in the firewall.
I'm using a connection string in this format
"Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=pubs;User ID=sa;Password=fgdgfdgs;"
Every time I connect the error message says the targed machine actively refused the connection.
Anyone got an idea or a checklist of how to set up remotre connections ?
I've got it to work!!
The connection string needed the SQL Instance, doh! Learned a lesson there but that's a result.
However I cannot specify a port and have to use the default. I've tried...
Data Source=,1433\SQLInstance
Data Source=\SQLInstance,1433
and neither are working, not a problem but any idea.
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